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Global Travel Simplified

Ex pat insurance. Global medical coverage. Medical coverage abroad.

Whichever term you prefer—finding, accessing, and following up on numerous emergency and systemic health needs can become very complicated.  And expensive. 

This program bundles two of the best systems for point to point, individualized, best of class care from a single source.

    GeoBlue Travel Insurance:

    • Primarily offers medical insurance and travel health benefits with a focus on emergency medical expenses, hospitalizations, and evacuations while traveling abroad.
    • Comprehensive insurance coverage for travelers, with a strong focus on international medical care, especially in cases of injury, sickness, and unforeseen health emergencies.
    • GeoBlue policies cover emergency evacuations, emergency care, and repatriation but are trip-specific, meaning they offer coverage for a limited duration (typically per trip).
    • Focused on insurance reimbursement, which involves claims processes and paperwork to get reimbursed for out-of-pocket medical expenses.

    Six Kind:

    • medical concierge service rather than an insurance provider. Six Kind offers unlimited access to global medical care, arranging appointments with top doctors, specialists, and hospitals worldwide .
    • Provides medical concierge services like personalized medical referrals, 24/7 access to doctors, medical evacuation, wellness programs, and advisory services. Unlike insurance, it facilitates access to care but doesn’t cover specific medical costs directly .
    • Non-trip-specific memberships, which offer coverage for extended periods (up to a year), ensuring travelers are always covered as long as they are enrolled .
    • Offers additional lifestyle and wellness services including medical advisory, patient advocacy, and AI-enhanced personalized healthcare recommendations .

    Complementarity Between GeoBlue Travel Insurance and Six Kind

    1. Insurance + Service: GeoBlue provides financial protection in case of medical emergencies, while Six Kind offers concierge support for finding top medical care and facilitating access. This combination ensures not only that the traveler is reimbursed for emergencies but also that they receive priority care and support without navigating a foreign healthcare system alone.
    2. Emergency Response + Ongoing Care: GeoBlue handles unexpected medical emergencies, but Six Kind ensures ongoing care coordination, finding appropriate specialists and facilitating follow-ups, even after the traveler returns home. It also includes non-emergency support, such as wellness programs, which GeoBlue does not cover .
    3. Global Reach and Customization: While GeoBlue may have networks in specific countries, Six Kind’s global medical concierge services extend beyond pre-set networks, offering travelers access to doctors even in remote locations where insurance networks may not have coverage.
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About world travel today...
    1. The only way to ensure flawless medical coverage abroad – Insurance covers emergencies, but what happens when you need ongoing care or personalized help? Discover how Six Kind steps in where GeoBlue leaves off, giving you round-the-clock access to top specialists, even for non-emergencies.
    2. Why travel insurance alone won’t save you from medical chaos – Emergencies are just part of the picture. Six Kind bridges the gap by providing concierge services that guarantee smooth access to medical care, from arranging hospital visits to handling follow-up treatments.
    3. How Six Kind turns travel insurance into a full medical safety net – GeoBlue helps with the costs, but Six Kind ensures you’re not left navigating foreign healthcare systems on your own. See how this dynamic duo protects your health and sanity while traveling.
    4. The actual reason travelers need more than just insurance for medical peace of mind – What if an emergency turns into long-term care? Here’s how Six Kind takes over when the bills are paid but the care journey isn’t over, offering critical post-treatment support most insurances can’t.
    5. The hidden gap GeoBlue doesn’t cover… and how Six Kind fills it perfectly – GeoBlue takes care of medical expenses, but what about getting fast, quality care without red tape? Here’s why adding Six Kind to your insurance unlocks faster doctor access, even in hard-to-reach places.
    6. How to completely eliminate medical headaches during travel – GeoBlue pays the bills, but Six Kind saves you the stress. Learn how this unbeatable combination gives you financial coverage plus expert medical concierge services for a smooth recovery every time.
    7. The truth about medical emergencies abroad: why insurance alone is never enough – Avoid the panic of being stuck in a foreign hospital without guidance. Discover how Six Kind complements GeoBlue to provide expert navigation through every step of your medical care – no matter the country or circumstance.
    8. The single smartest travel hack for frequent flyers – Discover how combining two simple services lets you skip foreign healthcare lines, get priority access to specialists, and never worry about medical emergencies again.
    9. Why relying on travel insurance alone is a risky gamble – Most travelers think their insurance covers everything… Find out what vital gap could leave you stranded when you need medical help the most.
    10. The exact reason Six Kind’s non-emergency services are a game changer – Imagine never stressing about finding a local doctor or specialist when abroad. Here’s how to effortlessly schedule appointments and manage follow-ups, even in remote places.
    11. How to avoid the biggest financial trap most travelers face during medical emergencies – Learn the seamless way to combine insurance and concierge support to escape mountains of paperwork and get reimbursed faster.
    12. The unknown advantage of Six Kind’s 24/7 access – Don’t wait until a medical scare happens… Here’s how you can get instant medical advice anywhere in the world, with one quick call.
    13. What never to do when navigating foreign healthcare – Most travelers waste precious time trying to figure out a foreign medical system. See how this one service eliminates all guesswork, letting you focus on getting better, not filling out forms.
    14. The real secret to stress-free travel – It’s not just about having insurance coverage. Here’s why a combination of concierge services and emergency insurance is the ultimate peace of mind for your next trip.

    Best Case to Purchase Both

    For a traveler who wants comprehensive protection, purchasing both GeoBlue and Six Kind creates a robust solution:

    • GeoBlue covers costs in case of emergencies, hospitalizations, or evacuations.
    • Six Kind provides personal medical guidance and non-emergency services like arranging doctor visits, getting priority access to specialists, and even handling follow-up care. For those traveling to unfamiliar destinations or engaging in longer trips, this combination is ideal for ensuring both financial and logistical peace of mind.


    1. Redundancy Concerns: Some travelers might see overlap between GeoBlue’s emergency services and Six Kind’s medical evacuation or advisory services. However, Six Kind goes beyond emergencies by focusing on ongoing care coordination, so the scope of service differs.
    2. Cost Consideration: Purchasing both products might be seen as costly, especially for short-term travelers who may not need long-term concierge services from Six Kind. This is a common objection if the traveler doesn’t anticipate needing extensive care coordination or advisory.
    3. Non-insurance Nature of Six Kind: Some travelers might prefer sticking to traditional insurance models like GeoBlue that reimburse expenses, without realizing the added value Six Kind offers in personalized access and care management .


    1. Complete Healthcare Ecosystem: By combining both, the traveler gets comprehensive financial protection(GeoBlue) and seamless medical coordination (Six Kind), which is critical in unfamiliar or complex medical situations .
    2. Time Savings: Six Kind can help travelers bypass system friction, getting them quicker access to care through its concierge network, whereas GeoBlue might require paperwork and delays for claims processing .
    3. Holistic Approach: Six Kind enhances the traveler’s wellness journey, even outside of emergencies. GeoBlue’s focus is strictly on emergency situations, while Six Kind covers preventative care and post-travel health concerns .

    In conclusion, combining GeoBlue Travel Insurance with Six Kind’s concierge services offers travelers peace of mindfrom both a financial and a care access perspective. Each service fills different needs, making the combination particularly strong for frequent travelers, international business professionals, and those with specific health needs.